Beaufort & Berdorf are the perfect spots for a nice Saturday or Sunday outdoor walks, in-country sightseeing. Beaufort has a wonderful small fortress from the 12th century and a renaissance castle. This nice visit can be connected to visit the rocks, rocks labyrinths and caves around Berdorf.
Where: Luxembourg
Drive: 40-50 Min
Optimal Stay: A Day Trip

What Can You Do There?
Visit the Medieaval Fortress
You can visit the beautiful fortress built in 12th century and was habited until the 18th century. It is nice to see where and what was located inside the castle (kitchen, bedrooms, tower, ball room etc.)
Visit the Renaissance Castle
You can visit the castle with great furnished interior. This castle has been unchanged and undamaged, stayed in the condition as it was in the last owner`s lifetime since she, Anne-Marie Linckels-Volmer, passed away in 2012. This castle was built in the 16th century.
A guided tour can be booked or arranged from Thursdays until Sundays from March until November.
For opening hours and ticket prices check their website.
Special Days to Visit Beaufort
On the website of Beaufort Castle ( you can always check for upcoming events.
It is worth to check and mark in the calendar these events:
· Beaufort Festival
· Castle Nights
· Beaufort MagiCastle Nights – For 2 nights in a year, the walls of the medieval castle will serve as a stage for special light show, video-mapping, show and integrated live concerts
From Beaufort it takes 15 minutes drive to get to Berdorf, where you can go for little hiking and discover the nature and its fantasy world. One of the most famous caves there is the Hohllay Cave.
Hohllay Cave
It is 10-20 minutes walk from Berdorf center. It is good to have a short walk in the forest next to Aesbech.
The Rock Labyrinths around Berdorf
Around Berdorf there are some rock labyrinths that might be fun to do with children, as in their fantasy it is very adventurous to find out the way out of the labyrinths. There are special signs for these labyrinths.
· Siewenschlüff: here there is a little help, some pre-printed numbers on the wall help to find your way out
· Werschrummschlüff: located directly besides the road between Berdorf and Beufort
· Gorges du Roitzbach
Their exact location you can check here:
Have fun there.
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